About Carmen

Carmen Newton
Holistic Therapist 


My name is Carmen Newton. I have been a holistic therapist since 2013. I hold an ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Reflexology and I am a Reiki Master. I also hold a Level 3 Award in Education and Training and an IAO Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Nutrition and Health. Since becoming a holistic therapist, I have trained in different disciplines, including Hand Reflexology, Facial Reflexology, Thai Foot Massage with Reflexology points, Advanced Reflexology, Hot Stone Reflexology and Baby and Toddler Light Reflexology, Seva Acupressure for Stress Release, Chi Medics through the Feet Unit 1 and Reflexology Lymph Drainage.

Learning is an ongoing process for me. I am very interested in how the mind works and how it relates to health. I am doing a course on understanding anxiety and depression. I have completed a course about Ayurveda, which I find fascinating. 

I got involved in the world of complementary therapies after suffering with a hormonal imbalance for nearly 10 years. After trying many different approaches and not finding any relief to the symptoms that were ruling my life and had turned it upside down affecting my family life, I was introduced to Reflexology and Reiki by a wonderful friend and therapist.

After a few Reflexology treatments, and within three months of being attuned to Reiki Level 1, I was able to give up conventional treatments. I was astounded and a seed was planted. My health and my lifestyle improved so much that I started to think I wanted to show other people what complementary/holistic therapies can do. This is when I decided to train as a Reflexologist.

The training was a journey of discovery for me as I learned many things about myself. I even made it to Finalist for Student of the Year Award!

Complementary therapies have become my passion and my life. Being able to help others achieve a more balanced and healthier life is very rewarding and my daily aim.  

Whether you want to improve your health or that of a loved one, I am here to help. 
   Life is all about balance

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